Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Perfect Being For This World

For a long time I was aspiring and searching for Truth in many ways.

I was also trying to heal my son with 40% Brain Loss and when doctors till Stanford had given up. He had lost everything. I had lost my first doll of my childhood which came 32 years later. My childhood was challenged as my mother and father had the same dream that I was the Mother of my Father, and this freaked out my Mother. In Indian traditions they are are the classic enemies. So I sustained an eye injury and lost my vision in the left eye. I had share of my abuses and learnt to stay hungry and take a lot of physical abuse.

So I thought once I reach Self Realization, that is it. Everyone can be Self Realized. All they need to do and believe that they can do it. They have to find their way but for me I concluded Yoga and Vedanta can make it happen.  And a real-life painful episode makes one hungry to look outside the box. In fighting, the Nature reveals its secrets.

When we are born, we are eager to experience the Bhogi.  In extreme, we are like Animals, and become slave. We suffer sorry and happiness, and do not know how to live life. We develop Anger, Ego, and Negative Emotions. We become liars, cheaters, politicians, selfish, and so on. Very few politicians are true Leaders. Most of them are doing for themselves. Same can be said about the Manager Leaders. Very few of them are sincere and most of them are doing it for their own sake. We develop Greed for Material Belongings and Power as if they are the source of Happiness. But in turn, someone of us realize this is not the end!

Then we turn to Spiritualism. There are many paths. For me it was Yoga, Meditation, Vedenta. Hard Work in Technology, Sacrifice of Sleep and Selfish Desires, Truth, Science, Matt, History, Sanskrit, Scriptures, etc., and they were my means.

But I faced a lot of challenges facing the Material World. I felt I had become the Socrates and Meera. The world did not understand me. The nail that stands out get beaten, so is the Japanese saying.

Later I realized, the Adi Yogi Shiva, or the Most Ancient Yogi was both - Bhogi and Yogi! Yogis have their Chakras excited above the Heart level but may be bordering for Compassion and Love for Others. Please see my post on Personality Types. But the Bhogi is enjoying all the lower Chakras, starting from Flight and Fight Responses for Survival and the Swadisth Chakra or the Chakra meant for Sex and Pleasure.

A perfect being should be residing in all Chakras at the appropriate times. In Indian History, King Janak was one of them, besides Shiva.

The other two later Yogis, Hanuman and Bhisma Pita were both vowed Sexual Abstinence. Now I understand why this is important to become Self Realized. The sacrifice of the Senses triggers compensation to the rise of the Higher Being. My Adult life was more or less like this. But this limits to be Yogi only,

BTW, Hanuman was a Giant and Ape Man, like Yeti, Sasquatch, Barefoot, etc., where Man co-lived with Humans. The word "human" goes to "H(an)uman".

Yogic Relaxation - Male and Female Viagra in Yoga

In Sanskrit, the world for Viagra is "vi-ugr(a)", e.g. that causes excitement. Not sure if the scientists behind were also Linguistics or Sanskrit aware.

The mechanism is based on Nitric Oxide, which also sends signals to the brain of  "sense of relaxation" and it is also a Neuro Transmitter and Vaso (Vascular) Dilation to relax the blood vessels and reducing the Blood Pressure.

The Bio Physicist/Chemist who discovered this got a Noble Prize in early 90s.  The Nitric Oxide for Male makes the sexual organ excited and the same principle should be true for Women.

In Yoga, there is a Raj Yoga Meditation practice, which when mastered makes one literally go into hibernated deep state of mind or "deep quick sleep".  |

In this process one develops Nitric Oxide.  This also slows down the metabolism and in some advance stages shuts down the brain and mind.  And it can be used for a "Power Sleep".

In further advance stages, it also produces Endorphins, a morphine like substance, reducing Pain and creating a sense of Euphoria. 

They can also be produced by a long systematic marathon on a round track, where one can be on auto pilot scan and least motor maneuvering but constant and bipedal repetitive motor traction. In one sense this is also Self Hypnotic. Self Hypnosis is also a way to Meditation.

In the Advance Deep State one also produced GABA, Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid, plays the principal role in reducing neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system and reducing the tone or tension in the muscles. This adds to the pleasure for sex - relaxed Muscles and Nervous System (Senses, etc.)

In this Deep State, it also produces Serotonin and Melatonin, which is derived from Tryptophan.  The later in Sanskrit is "tRip-ta-paaN". 

Serotonin gives the feeling of well being and happiness.  Melatonin is produced in Pituitary Gland and makes one sleep well. It is also first defense again Oxidative Stress. This may explain the Axis of Meditation on changing the Auto Immune Response and Healing.

Tryptophan is needed to prevent Illness or Death. Deficiency of it also counters hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol) and pellagra (B3 or Niacin deficiency).

Insufficient Niacin in the diet can cause Nausea, Skin and Mouth Lesions, Anemia, Headaches, and Tiredness.

Triptaapaan is usually found in Vegetables, Fruits and Diary products.  In the early first state of mediation, this relaxes the inner Alimentary Canal and during the process one may pass the excess Nitric Oxide.

In one advance Yogic Asanas and Pranayama, one lock the Anus and prevents the Nitric Oxide from leaking. This I have not tried incorporating so far, but may enhance the Healing.

The Soul's Journey


Spiritualism at Work is also very important. Remember what Steve Jobs said before dying? Remember what Bill Gates did after becoming the Richest Man on the Planet? The definition of Consciousness is changing as per the Modern Science and slowly embracing the Indian definition:It is all Pervasive in Animate and UnAnimate (That Moves, That Replicates, That In-gests and That Ex-gests).

The Ancient Indians Scriptures portrait this Universe as a Maya or The Grand Illusions, or The Matrix. They also talk about Many Universes or Many Worlds.

Today the Modern Science says the same, that this Universe is a Projection (subject to many worlds of interpretations). Modern Science also says that there may be Many Universes or Many Worlds.
Modern Science is also slowly embracing the Yogic Sciences in terms of the power of Mind over Body, power of Meditation in Physical and Mental Healing, power of having Harmonious Body and Mind, and of course the Emotional and Mental Peace. Now it also says through Mediation, one can: (1) Alter the Auto Immune Response, (2) Alter the Neural Pathways in the Brain, (3) Alter the DNA (DNA mechanism is a two-way street which forces one to behave in certain way, but at the same time the adjusted behavior to an environment is recorded back into DNA. So your Ancestor's Habits are influencing you and you habits are influencing your Offspring's Behavior in a way). Of courese your Individual Soul's Nature is also playing out at Subtle Level.

Quantum Mechanics is based on "Reality of Observations are Not Accurate and Only Confirmed When Measured!". Many Quantum Mechanics Founders were influenced by Indian Philosophies on Consciousness and The Supreme Consciousness or the Supreme Soul, and the Individual Soul being Localized Consciousness instantiat-ion. Then there are Polymorphic Expressions of the Same Principle. In the Philosophy every Animal, Plant, Human, etc. beings are expression of the same Creation Principle or The Summon Bonum of The Reality. This is a reason for Hinduism having many Gods. Each God is an expression of that Projection in a certain aspect of Nature. It is not a Polytheist Religion but a Polymorohic one.

The Universal Soul and an Individual Soul(s) are like the Ocean and the Wave(s), so explains the Indian Vedenta and Yogic Sciences, which is based on the Indian Philosophy of Sankhya or Enumerations of Steps/Elements (from Seed to Tree of Universe, or from The Big Bang to The Universe). The Creation of this Universe by Big Bang is similar to the Creation or Genesis described in the Indian Scriptures.

Fate and Free Will are like the expansion of the Binomial Theorem in most simplified way - each influence the Total Outcome, influenced by the degree of assertion of Free Will, and expression of Fate meant for this Life. Fate can be changed at some cost by effort of Free Will, but somethings are sealed by Fate. Like one's destiny is bound by the presence of their surroundings, like birth, like member of a family, like member of a Nation, like member of a Forest, Mountain and so on, where some accident may happen.

The concept of Karma plays an important role in Soul's Journey. The passage of "desire of the soul" from Most Subtle to The Gross is an expression of manipulation of Energies. The action and reactions follow, and the state of these events are recorded in the unit of Soul or Localized Energy of Space, or the Causal Body of the Yogic Science. Good deeds will follow goodness. Bad deeeds will follow bad reactions. Karma has three parts: (1) The Total Karma or SaNchaya Karma meant to be played over births, (2) This Life Karma, or Paarabdh Karma, meant for this life. and (3) The Future Remaining Karma, or Aagaami Karma. (Indian Pronounciation, one "a" is silent and two "a" is a long "a"). Karmas can be considered like Quivers Shot for this Life, Quivers remaining to be shot for Future, and both combined yields the Total Karma.

When the Soul becomes desire-less, when it becomes Zero Sum of Action and Reactions of Events, when all Karmas are over, then the Potential is reduced to Zero. Potential is like the Pulled Bow which shoots an Arrow. The local Causal Body merges with the Supreme Soul or the Universal Body of Space or the Vacuum of the Space, which in Vedenta in Brahman.

The root of "brah" means the same as what the Modern Science has found in terms of Expanding Space based Dark Energy Expanding. The Dark Energy is like the Shakti Principle of Yogic Science. The Vacuum of Space is also the Shiva or the Energy Seed.

The Planck level of Unit of Vacuum of Space has more Energy than the Energy of the Universe. It has the arch-types of Memory and Consciousness (like the on-off switches in memory register between "0" and "1", this can be modeled as 9-D Static Gyroscope).

So in the Yogic Sciences, the Consciousness is not a function of Brain, but a function of the Individual Soul. Studies done by Modern Scholars confirms this phenomenon.

Ad-hock and impromptu thoughts penned out of the heart, with music of Hotel California playing in mind..

"Welcome to the Hotel Reality, you can check in when you are only born, but can only leave after death!", so said the Ego Sheriff.

Up on the Uphill Distance, who everybody avoided to climb and visit, laid the Master of Many Births and Deaths, and yet He knew each and all of them.

A desperate call for Freedom, made me call onto him. He said, "Son if only you believe what you see and hear, and not think beyond, I might as well ask you to surrender!".

"If you want to go Beyond, know their are many lives and many deaths!". I said, "I do not comprehend Master!, please tell me the way!".

"Just like you change rooms, and with changes in the location, and the painted walls and laid decorations, lives change bodies and Consciousness levels and perspectives."

"Some do learn in few births and some in many, some confused in many births, and some clear in a few births!"

Said the Master, "You can embrace the Ignorant Devil Beast, who tries to conquer you and be your master, or you ignore what you see, hear and know, and dream what you do not know and thirst for it, I promise my son, you shall soon be me!"

I woke up from the sweating nightmare, to the simmering light of the Sun, with bell ringing and asking us to walk the drill of yet another Day! We paced the drilled, in smile and sweat, some cool breeze hitting the head, and heat of the Sun gazing ahead.

Welcome to Hotel Reality, you can come in anytime but you cannot leave, till you have woken up to know this was only a Dream!