Saturday, March 4, 2017

Yogic Relaxation - Male and Female Viagra in Yoga

In Sanskrit, the world for Viagra is "vi-ugr(a)", e.g. that causes excitement. Not sure if the scientists behind were also Linguistics or Sanskrit aware.

The mechanism is based on Nitric Oxide, which also sends signals to the brain of  "sense of relaxation" and it is also a Neuro Transmitter and Vaso (Vascular) Dilation to relax the blood vessels and reducing the Blood Pressure.

The Bio Physicist/Chemist who discovered this got a Noble Prize in early 90s.  The Nitric Oxide for Male makes the sexual organ excited and the same principle should be true for Women.

In Yoga, there is a Raj Yoga Meditation practice, which when mastered makes one literally go into hibernated deep state of mind or "deep quick sleep".  |

In this process one develops Nitric Oxide.  This also slows down the metabolism and in some advance stages shuts down the brain and mind.  And it can be used for a "Power Sleep".

In further advance stages, it also produces Endorphins, a morphine like substance, reducing Pain and creating a sense of Euphoria. 

They can also be produced by a long systematic marathon on a round track, where one can be on auto pilot scan and least motor maneuvering but constant and bipedal repetitive motor traction. In one sense this is also Self Hypnotic. Self Hypnosis is also a way to Meditation.

In the Advance Deep State one also produced GABA, Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid, plays the principal role in reducing neuronal excitability throughout the nervous system and reducing the tone or tension in the muscles. This adds to the pleasure for sex - relaxed Muscles and Nervous System (Senses, etc.)

In this Deep State, it also produces Serotonin and Melatonin, which is derived from Tryptophan.  The later in Sanskrit is "tRip-ta-paaN". 

Serotonin gives the feeling of well being and happiness.  Melatonin is produced in Pituitary Gland and makes one sleep well. It is also first defense again Oxidative Stress. This may explain the Axis of Meditation on changing the Auto Immune Response and Healing.

Tryptophan is needed to prevent Illness or Death. Deficiency of it also counters hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol) and pellagra (B3 or Niacin deficiency).

Insufficient Niacin in the diet can cause Nausea, Skin and Mouth Lesions, Anemia, Headaches, and Tiredness.

Triptaapaan is usually found in Vegetables, Fruits and Diary products.  In the early first state of mediation, this relaxes the inner Alimentary Canal and during the process one may pass the excess Nitric Oxide.

In one advance Yogic Asanas and Pranayama, one lock the Anus and prevents the Nitric Oxide from leaking. This I have not tried incorporating so far, but may enhance the Healing.