Sunday, December 30, 2018

Tantra and Raj Yoga

Connection of Tantra with Yoga Through Breath and Meditation

Many aspects of Breath, Meditation and Tantra are mysterious and not talked about.

Only experiments with Breath and Meditation can open a possible understanding of Tantra.

There are two kinds of Breaths: Gross and Subtle, External and Interior or Air and Prana, or Apna and Prana.

When an Yogi crosses the mental and physical blocks, he stops breathing one form and the other form is still needed.

In this suspension of life balance, he or she is yoked to the Universal Life Force: the Prana of Macrocosm.

The Kundalini likes to be unified of the Male and Female Ingla and Pinglas at various chakras. The bottom symbolizes the survival and the top most merger with the Universal Consciousness.

In the good and qualified Meditation State, the Neuro Messengers in form of Nitric Oxide are also released, which are Vasodilators and  Aphrodisiac. The sexual organs are at their peak performance.

The suspension is challenged by this but could be enhanced with Tantra where the union takes place but the Shiva Shakti is One now and merged with Universal Consciousness. The bodies remain still creating further ecstasy but not like a common sexual act.

It is gaining the State beyond duality. Tantra enhances the process and makes it easier. But without it, it is still possible to Merge.