Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Divine Lamp Within You

The Universe brims with a Life Giving Energy. This is the most Subtle Aspect of the Universe, and the closest to the Unknown Divine.

The same Life Force is in everyone. And the Path of Yoga, one focuses on this and the Temple it occupies, your Body, Mind and Senses, which are the outer peripheries of your Life Core - the Soul.

In the Path of Yoga, the Body is made of 5 Sheaths, and the most Subtlest in control is Prana Body or the Subtle Body. The deepest and most Subtlest Body is yours Soul or the Subtle Body.

Our nerves carry the Electric Ionic Current, but behind that there is the Pranic Current, or the Dark Energy current, which Science has missed.

One's consciousness is spread all over the body, and concentrated mainly in the core of the Brain where the Pineal and Pituitary Glands are there. But the consciousness also extends to ones Sympathetic and Para Sympathetic systems, and also concentrated in the different Nervous Plexuses. One's consciousness is centered at one of the Chakras mainly and his or her action, interest and liking would reflect that.

Some part of Consciousness is Voluntary in control and some in Involuntary in Control; the most Subtle and Core Energies are less in control. But in the Path of Yoga, these Energies start getting in control, as if one has started walking towards the inner Sanctum Sanatorium of the Body Temple.

The Energy in Universe always travels in pairs. A wave hitting the Ocean beach also has a counter current below the waves going in opposite direction. So there is "rare-fied" Soul and "point densest" Kundalini or Energy at your base. When this Energy rises, it is like a Tsunami and can takes one's life. But when one survives it, one is totally different. This is like a second birth and the word Brahmin means Second Born. Your Anger, Ego, Hatred, Sorry, Darkness and so on will go away. You would live in the Bliss of Sat-Chit-Anand - the Truth-Concious-Happy state - after going through the Fire or Stom of Kundalini.

In the path, you may feel your Plexus vibrate to some unknown Energies, at various centers of your Spine, including your Center of Brain and Third Eye. It may trigger during Yogic practices or even at early Sun Rise.

Somewhere in the path, I also happen to see a Divine Light and Shape Shifting Ball in the Center between your Eyebrows, and the Third Eye. The vibrations of this Light are very close to 3D Quantum Oscillator and 3D Harmonics.

Think the Mother Nature has expanded your Frequency Response to the different Spectrum of Energies, including the Visual and Motor Sensory.

Many esoteric knowledge may also come to you like it did to Ramanujan and Pannini.

During my KA, I understood the Positron, Electron and Neutrino are nothing but Photon caught up in Space-Time-Constraint-Vortex. No experiment in Physics is violated except Michelson Morely's experiment.