Sunday, November 1, 2015

What does Avestan Says About Eating Animals

Avestan Sages, per the second rhymed verse line of Yasna 32.8, have concluded that the flesh of cow, ox, bull, steer, cattle and wild cattle or “Gáüsh” are not permissible for consumption, (Compare Avetan “Gáüsh” with Proto Indo European gwous, Sanskrit gáús, Latvian guovs, Armenian gaus, German. Kuh, Swedish. Ko, Greek. Bous, English cow or bovine.)

This prohibition is extended to cows of the north, (deer, caribou/reindeer, moose and elk,) bison, buffalo, water buffalo, yak, wild cattle, antelope and gazelle. (For Prohibition against consumption of all forms of wild cattle see Bahram Yasht 22-23.)