Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Beautiful Picture Describing the Vibrations of Different Chakras One Feels

Someone sent me a link to her Picasa Album, and thic picture really describes what one feels at different Nervous Plexus Centers - the Body Vibrating in different combinations and permutations, harmoniously and disharmoniously, sometimes in resonance and sometimes not in resonance, and connected with a mystical outside Energy called Prana or Chinese Chi. In this sense, I see Tibetan Buddhist Monks more advance and aware of this Energy like the Chinese Shaolin Temple folks.

If you know your Quantum Physics, and Fourier Series Theorem, then all the "s", "p", "d" and "f" orbitals are nothing but 3-D sum components of a Zero'th or N'th state "s" Orbital, which is a Sphere! This would be a perfect resonance case but others would be cases of different combinations and permutations I have mentioned.

This energy's mystical experience has been described in Autobiography of an Yogi - an international best seller for many decades. I have some other experiences which I will share one day. You would not believe it if I say it now, unless you have experienced it yourself.

More pictures are available here.
