Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Controlling Cholestrol

Sometimes Medications are necessary to control Cholesterol, but they also cause a lot of side effects. I am not saying give up your Simvastins but you can reduce their dosages by 1/4 as I have done, and my cholesterol has been in control.

The trick has been: (1) Walk and Walk (or Run and Run), which I do for 1 hour every day, (2) Kapolbhati Rounds till 1000 (some mixed with Bhastrika), (3) Yoga for 2 hours every Saturday and Sunday, and (4) complete cut down on eating Fried, Fatty, stuff, to the extent of eating a lots of Vegetables and Salad, and very little rice, like Chapaatis (Indian Tortillas) and Rice, and no Potatoes at all.