Saturday, January 23, 2016

About Truth

Truth cannot be communicated. It can only be Experienced.

The World suffers from Circular Bell Curve problem. In each lobe of the Bell-curve, people think they know the best.

Just see it in a child and yourself. Very few people would say they do not know and would start a search for themselves.

In the path of Yoga, the Science can be done on your body. Your body is your lab and go out of your body to understand if you have a Soul or Consciousness is outside your body. Yes you can do it, but at risk of death!

Your body is like a Stack of Reality, just like the World, like the S/w stack, Network Stack and Storage Stack. The bottom most is some reality.

The stacking principle is not the invention of Computing Science or Modern Science but the invention goes back to Sankhya Philosophy or Yoga, which is based on SP.

The layers in Body Stack are:

(1) Sthula sarira, the Gross body, also called the Annamaya Kosha[

(2) Suksma sarir', the Subtle body, composed of:

2a. Pranamaya Kosha (Vital breath or Energy),
2b. Manomaya Kosha (Mind),
2c. Vijnanamaya Kosha (Intellect)

(3) Karana sarira, the Causal body, the Anandamaya Kosha (Bliss).

3 makes the basis of Statements that Truth or Realization is like: Sat (Truth and never changing), Chit (Consciousness) and Anand (Bliss). It is the reasons for the great Mahavakyas, of great sayings, that "Tat Twam Asi (That you Are!)!", "Ahm Brahman Asmi (I am the Brahman!)!", "So Ham (Sa or That I am!")!", and so on.

3 is part of Vacuum of Space and that space which occupies your body, but has local Space-Time effect. It records all Physical activities within that Space like Akashic Records. All laws of Physics are Action-Reaction, and thus at the most subtle level are being reflected as "records". The soul remembers that.

My search for Truth led me to conclude that the vacuum of Space at Planck level has more Energy than the Universe! It also has the building blocks of Memory and Consciousness.

Think like a 9-D Gyroscope, and it has some intelligence and some memory to remember its initial position and then the final position. Think like Code and Data paradigm of Turing Machine.