Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How To Massage Your Body Externally And Internally

Why Chanting Of Aum Is Unique and Scientific

Cakras Vibrating To Invisible Light

Scientists use Sounds to Modify Brain Cells

Yogic Science tells chanting helps the Brain, Body and Mind.

One can say Music helps.  But there is more to it in my path of Yoga and Music.

Recently I discovered, that I could vibrate my whole body when trying to sing in very low pitch - giving a very good feeling.

In this sense AUM chanting, and why Tibetan Chantings are with very low pitch explains a lot.

Yoga has many Asans to do this - which is very obvious.  What I learnt in my Yogic Journey also includes about how to vibrate your cells.  Like all organisms cells also need stimulation and stroking. 
There are 3 ways but 1 is for now involuntary for me.

First one is, by doing Intensive Kapalbhati, one may feel the Pranas shaking the cells and cells dancing in return.  This I have experienced over 15 years now.

The second one is when one is trained to Singing, and knows to module vocal chords as well as Pranas to make different of sound pitches.  Like high pitch sounds, low pitch sounds are hard to make.  When one trains to make very low bass pitch sounds, one may have to focus the pranas downwards, and one may feel the chest, stomach and even other parts of the body vibrate.  This is a very soothing feeling and may send shivers and even may raise your hair on themselves!

I realized that the chanting of AUM was also suggested during Meditation which I have never tried but even without meditation, I see the good effects.  In this sense, it seems to me that AUM was invented or discovered, depending on what meanings you give to it, by the greatest Yogi Shiva.  Yes Shiva is the most ancient God of the Ancients who has been found worshiped by people of Denmark and Ireland.

The last one happens involuntarily when one has gone through a Kundalini Awakening.  Please read my article on this: