Tuesday, June 16, 2015

The Science and Art of Perpertual Happiness

Those who want to reach perpetual happiness in their lives. Follow the counselling of Vedenta that Everything is God, and prescription of Yoga followed with 8 steps of Astanga Yoga.
The first 2 steps of Yama and Niyama are character building for a positive character. Can you hate, get angry, loose hope, kill someone, steal things, and be happy?
People can control Blood Pressure, and many Involuntary things, like even shutting down of Mind, like in Raja Yoga. For last 25 years, I have seen Modern Medical Science blessing Yogic Sciences. In last 6 months they have said, one can through Medication, change DNA, mediate Auto Immune Response and even change the first experiment of Quantum Physics!
I have my own experiments, and one experiment is about Bio Telekinesis, where I can momentarily change the size of my hands/fingers and feet/toes. I can even do Anu-loma and Vi-loma without using hands. It is all about Mind over Matter axis. On the path of Yoga, what appears to be involuntary becomes voluntary. For example I lost my anger.
Some experiments in Stanford have made a EMF Professor with many Patents go on record saying that apparently the "miracles" mentioned in Yoga Sutras are true. Science is catching up with the Yogic Sciences. For example for a long time, Mind was a separate department and isolated from the rest of the departments! Now it is all about Mind now! Many Psychological findings are telling that so many Mental issues can be cured through Yoga.
I am not saying abandon Modern Medical Science or your Religion, but take up Yoga to become a better person. Yes everyone has the power to become Buddha! The world would be a lot better place!
Those people who oppose Yoga are Ignorant and people on the path of Darkness and Suffering. Period.
Someone who walked the path of Yoga for 20 years and faced lot of hardship and impossible situations which I can share.