Saturday, March 5, 2016

When Involuntary things become Voluntary

There was a Nova PBS Show about Tibetan Monks and Meditation.

In very early 1990s Harvard Medical School went to Himalayas and studied Tibetan Monks.  They could raise the body temperature when their body was almost naked in midst of snow and cold, and not only that they could also steam it. 

They brought the Monks to Harvard Facility and also found that their Brain Activities were altered and different neural brain waves were quietened.  They could also lower their Heart Beats.

This was a monumental study as for over 300 years the Modern Medical Science was in denial of Yogic Sciences.  They were taken in disbelief.

Over 15 approx years of practicing Yoga, for last 11 approx years I have been able to do the same.

This is my experience in the path of  Meditation and Raj(a) Yog(a).

It varies from time to time, but has some consistency over years of practice, and depends on ones state of mind, place, time and so on.

The key is to hold mechanical breath by locking diaphragm, inter-costal chest, clavical collor, thoriac and nasal muscles.

1. Lower Blood Pressure or Increase it first and then lower it.  It can also be achieved through Alternate Nose Breathing called Anuloma-Viloma or Slow Exhalation.

2. Lower Heart Beats or Increase it first and then lower it.

3. Shut Down Mind

4. Raise Your Body Temperature and then Lower it.

5. Create Perspiration on Body through Meditation.

6. Create Flatulence, which can be Indicator of your Immune and Digestive Systems.  Excess of Sulphide smell indicates over eating and/or good which is grosser in form and not liked by body.  Smell of Nitric Oxide and Nitrous Oxide indicates Good Immune System.  Excess of Oxygen in Body can convert Nitric Oxide to Nitrous Oxide.

7. One gets an Erection because of Nitric Oxide.  Both Males and Females would experience Sexual Arousal.  NO has three functions: (1) Neuro Transmitter, (2) Vasodillator, and (3) Sexual Aphrodisiac.  Control over Neutro Transmission can be mediateed.  Vasodilator relaxes the muscles and helps the metabolism.

In the path of Tantra, as this is my understanding, one has a Sexual Union, and while withholding the Physical Act of "Strokes", both side Meditate and experience the Spiritual Bliss at the same time experiencing Sensational Bliss - but the focus is withdrawl of senses and focus on Brahman or Atman, which another form of Shaivism promotes like Vedenta.  And the act goes on for many hours and may into whole day or night!  The Chinese Ying and Yang symbolizes this and perhaps influenced by Tibetan Yogis, who in turn were influenced by Shaivite Philosphoy of Tantra Yoga, besides it other variations.

8. One produces excess Endorphins and Dopamines and creates an Euphoric State of Mind - before going to shut down mode.  Later it produces some drug like Morphine and Melotin in combination and can put one into a lot Snophoric Sleep, but conscious one.

9. In one mode, one can do Bio Telekinesis - change the size of ones hand or foot, or other parts of body.

10. One can direct energy to momentarily lift the body or create body jirks.  I have one experience where the whole body, except for head, flew violently up rocking - when preparing for Shoulder Stand or Sarvanga Asan.  I have stopped this for Practical Reasons.

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