Thursday, December 31, 2015

The Divine Lamp Within You

The Universe brims with a Life Giving Energy. This is the most Subtle Aspect of the Universe, and the closest to the Unknown Divine.

The same Life Force is in everyone. And the Path of Yoga, one focuses on this and the Temple it occupies, your Body, Mind and Senses, which are the outer peripheries of your Life Core - the Soul.

In the Path of Yoga, the Body is made of 5 Sheaths, and the most Subtlest in control is Prana Body or the Subtle Body. The deepest and most Subtlest Body is yours Soul or the Subtle Body.

Our nerves carry the Electric Ionic Current, but behind that there is the Pranic Current, or the Dark Energy current, which Science has missed.

One's consciousness is spread all over the body, and concentrated mainly in the core of the Brain where the Pineal and Pituitary Glands are there. But the consciousness also extends to ones Sympathetic and Para Sympathetic systems, and also concentrated in the different Nervous Plexuses. One's consciousness is centered at one of the Chakras mainly and his or her action, interest and liking would reflect that.

Some part of Consciousness is Voluntary in control and some in Involuntary in Control; the most Subtle and Core Energies are less in control. But in the Path of Yoga, these Energies start getting in control, as if one has started walking towards the inner Sanctum Sanatorium of the Body Temple.

The Energy in Universe always travels in pairs. A wave hitting the Ocean beach also has a counter current below the waves going in opposite direction. So there is "rare-fied" Soul and "point densest" Kundalini or Energy at your base. When this Energy rises, it is like a Tsunami and can takes one's life. But when one survives it, one is totally different. This is like a second birth and the word Brahmin means Second Born. Your Anger, Ego, Hatred, Sorry, Darkness and so on will go away. You would live in the Bliss of Sat-Chit-Anand - the Truth-Concious-Happy state - after going through the Fire or Stom of Kundalini.

In the path, you may feel your Plexus vibrate to some unknown Energies, at various centers of your Spine, including your Center of Brain and Third Eye. It may trigger during Yogic practices or even at early Sun Rise.

Somewhere in the path, I also happen to see a Divine Light and Shape Shifting Ball in the Center between your Eyebrows, and the Third Eye. The vibrations of this Light are very close to 3D Quantum Oscillator and 3D Harmonics.

Think the Mother Nature has expanded your Frequency Response to the different Spectrum of Energies, including the Visual and Motor Sensory.

Many esoteric knowledge may also come to you like it did to Ramanujan and Pannini.

During my KA, I understood the Positron, Electron and Neutrino are nothing but Photon caught up in Space-Time-Constraint-Vortex. No experiment in Physics is violated except Michelson Morely's experiment.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Seeing my Third Eye Chakra - Beautiful White-Violet bouncing Energy Vibrating in Different Harmonics

This topic is related to Cymatics, Quantum Shells, 3D-Harmonics, Nervous Plexuses, Yogic Chakras, Tantra-Yantra and Rangoli

I am very impressed by the knowledge of 2D and 3D Vibrations of Energy by the Yogic Masters. 

Today for the first time in my Yogic Path of 20 plus years, I saw the Third Eye, or Anjana Chakra, Vibrations visually.  They were like the 3D Harmonics of Physics, the 3D Quantum Sub-Shells, and Cyamatic Vibrations.

I would encourage read to go to Youtube and watch Videos on Cymatics, the Science and Study of Vibrations, which first reminded me of Rangoli.

Rangoli is Indian tradition where they lay 2D Pattterns in front of the house or in the Sanctum Sanctorum or Axis Mundi.

When one studies the 3D Harmonics and Quantum Sub-Shells, one understands how 3D Vibration of Energy happens.

I was lucky to see my Third Eye Nervous Plexus's Energy Vibrate in Dance of Energy in 3D!

Sunday, November 1, 2015

What does Avestan Says About Eating Animals

Avestan Sages, per the second rhymed verse line of Yasna 32.8, have concluded that the flesh of cow, ox, bull, steer, cattle and wild cattle or “Gáüsh” are not permissible for consumption, (Compare Avetan “Gáüsh” with Proto Indo European gwous, Sanskrit gáús, Latvian guovs, Armenian gaus, German. Kuh, Swedish. Ko, Greek. Bous, English cow or bovine.)

This prohibition is extended to cows of the north, (deer, caribou/reindeer, moose and elk,) bison, buffalo, water buffalo, yak, wild cattle, antelope and gazelle. (For Prohibition against consumption of all forms of wild cattle see Bahram Yasht 22-23.)

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Need for Every Human To Embrace Spiritualism

Spiritualism is Science as it has many benefits to counter negative Human Emotions. It is a Science which makes you see the Wholeness as Oneness. It is a Science which makes you understand the Reality of Nature. It is a Science which makes you Happy, Peaceful, Live the Moment and not have Regrets of Past and Worries of Future.

All this can be achieved in the path of Yoga and Vedanta. It is a second birth. I believe this was the reason for calling Brahmins as Dwijaas - second born.

But this Knowledge is not taught in Schools, Colleges and Universities. Only few bump into this when in the class room of Life they get enough knocks and they look for the answers and hit upon this after constantly trying.

This is the knowledge of Buddha and Buddha-hood and he preached Non Violence.

But Alas, the Indian Poets, Writers, Artistes and Scientists who question Govt's step in banning Beef - or encouraging Vegetarian Diet - is met with Falsehood. There is science behind this which only a very knowledgeable person who knows Science, Biology, Chemistry, Bio Chemistry and the knowledge beyond to understand this. Imagine if you can eat raw meat just after killing? Imagine eating your pet who got killed? Animals with 2 pair of eyes, 2 pair of ears/gills, 1 mouth/trunk, 4 limbs and so on only show they are our DNA Relatives and Consciousness Relatives. Like any good or bad habit. if you kill once, the next killing becomes easier. If you drink blood first time, it is hard but next time it is easier. It is conditioning. But it takes you towards Violence and Violent State of Mind. It is like Pakistan harboring Terrorists as State Sponsor Craft but now it is consuming itself.

India is the Spiritual Mother of the Word. This is the land where this Science was established by so many seers over so may years. I have seen people from all walks of the world congregate at Yoga and Vedanta Ashrams to get this Knowledge and they also turn to Vegetarianism.

There are enough Research to show how Cancer, Chicken Guniya, Bovine Flu, Mad Cow, Kru Diseases and Auto Immune Issues and Inflammations are linked to meat based diets - and eating meat of DNAs closer to ourselves.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

How To Massage Your Body Externally And Internally

Why Chanting Of Aum Is Unique and Scientific

Cakras Vibrating To Invisible Light

Scientists use Sounds to Modify Brain Cells

Yogic Science tells chanting helps the Brain, Body and Mind.

One can say Music helps.  But there is more to it in my path of Yoga and Music.

Recently I discovered, that I could vibrate my whole body when trying to sing in very low pitch - giving a very good feeling.

In this sense AUM chanting, and why Tibetan Chantings are with very low pitch explains a lot.

Yoga has many Asans to do this - which is very obvious.  What I learnt in my Yogic Journey also includes about how to vibrate your cells.  Like all organisms cells also need stimulation and stroking. 
There are 3 ways but 1 is for now involuntary for me.

First one is, by doing Intensive Kapalbhati, one may feel the Pranas shaking the cells and cells dancing in return.  This I have experienced over 15 years now.

The second one is when one is trained to Singing, and knows to module vocal chords as well as Pranas to make different of sound pitches.  Like high pitch sounds, low pitch sounds are hard to make.  When one trains to make very low bass pitch sounds, one may have to focus the pranas downwards, and one may feel the chest, stomach and even other parts of the body vibrate.  This is a very soothing feeling and may send shivers and even may raise your hair on themselves!

I realized that the chanting of AUM was also suggested during Meditation which I have never tried but even without meditation, I see the good effects.  In this sense, it seems to me that AUM was invented or discovered, depending on what meanings you give to it, by the greatest Yogi Shiva.  Yes Shiva is the most ancient God of the Ancients who has been found worshiped by people of Denmark and Ireland.

The last one happens involuntarily when one has gone through a Kundalini Awakening.  Please read my article on this:

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Why chanting of AUM is different than other sounds?

Perhaps the chanting should be changed to HUM or ALM for the Muslim people.

There is a lot of controversy emanating from the Muslims in India for following Yoga traditions.  The Govt of India has even suggested that they chant the word "Allah".

AUM is not just a symbol for the Supreme Soul or Brahman which pervades every nook and corner of Space and Time, but also a summation sound signature of the Human Sound Apparatus.

The "A" sound comes from the lower stomach till the base of throat.  The "U" sound comes from the mouth base to the lips.  The "M" sound comes from the nasal mouth base to the nasal top base. 

Exercising these apparatus stimulates vibrations of the body and the mind into one harmony. 

The same principle of Kapalbhati when done for long duration and intensively in rapid successions leads to each cell vibrating in energy!

The Science and Art of Perpertual Happiness

Those who want to reach perpetual happiness in their lives. Follow the counselling of Vedenta that Everything is God, and prescription of Yoga followed with 8 steps of Astanga Yoga.
The first 2 steps of Yama and Niyama are character building for a positive character. Can you hate, get angry, loose hope, kill someone, steal things, and be happy?
People can control Blood Pressure, and many Involuntary things, like even shutting down of Mind, like in Raja Yoga. For last 25 years, I have seen Modern Medical Science blessing Yogic Sciences. In last 6 months they have said, one can through Medication, change DNA, mediate Auto Immune Response and even change the first experiment of Quantum Physics!
I have my own experiments, and one experiment is about Bio Telekinesis, where I can momentarily change the size of my hands/fingers and feet/toes. I can even do Anu-loma and Vi-loma without using hands. It is all about Mind over Matter axis. On the path of Yoga, what appears to be involuntary becomes voluntary. For example I lost my anger.
Some experiments in Stanford have made a EMF Professor with many Patents go on record saying that apparently the "miracles" mentioned in Yoga Sutras are true. Science is catching up with the Yogic Sciences. For example for a long time, Mind was a separate department and isolated from the rest of the departments! Now it is all about Mind now! Many Psychological findings are telling that so many Mental issues can be cured through Yoga.
I am not saying abandon Modern Medical Science or your Religion, but take up Yoga to become a better person. Yes everyone has the power to become Buddha! The world would be a lot better place!
Those people who oppose Yoga are Ignorant and people on the path of Darkness and Suffering. Period.
Someone who walked the path of Yoga for 20 years and faced lot of hardship and impossible situations which I can share.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Are Human Beings designed by Nature to eat Meat?

Are Human Beings designed by Nature to eat Meat?  Are we carnivorous?  No mostly!

Disclaimer:  In some places and some times, one cannot help but eat meat to survive!

Medically, everyone agrees that Non Vegetarian Diet is not good, and increases Cholesterol, increased Toxins, triggers Inflammation Response, and even cause serious diseases like Mad Cow, Swine Flu, Chickungunya, Brain Diseases, and Kuru (Neurological Disorder) - among-st many Prion Diseases.  We will go deeper into it.

Environmentally, it takes more Land, Water and Resources to produce Meat. It keeps the harm or foot print of one's living minimal on the Environment. 

Economically, it is cheaper to feed the World and eliminate Hunger, if everyone shuns Meat based diet.

Morally and Ethically it does not make sense to kill anyone - and larger Animals and Animals closer to our DNA.  Call it Relative Principle, otherwise Prion listed diseases are there.  It is a principle of "Do untu others as one wants others do to unto onself"  If you are willing to be someone's food, then it is OK.

Yogic Science have been blessed with Scientific Researches over 25 years, if one want to Realize Buddha Hood, Siddi, or Permanent Happiness, or Contentedness,  one has to follow the Character Building Blocks of Yama and Niyama.  Can one be happy by Hating, being Angry, Lying, Killing and so on?

More Scientific points:

1.  Humans do not have canines like Carnivorous.  They have at max 4 Canines, and some do not have.  So they are 4/32 Percentage wise Carnivorous.

2.  Humans do not have jaws or bite-strength like Carnivorous.

3.  Humans have long Alimentary Canals and Canines have short ones.  Food starts rotting when not part of the main body which keeps it alive.  In the Food Chain, or Entropy Scales. Non Veg Tissues would rot faster than the Vegetable Tissues as they habe Higher Metabolic Decomposition.  The rotten food makes toxins.  That means Humans eating Meats would have more toxins in their canal for more longer time. It makes a double whammy for plant eater eating meat.

4. Life is about RNA/DNA Computing Machinery.  It has been found that Cows when fed their own meat or meat of other mammals, developed Mad Cow Diseases.  Same thing with Chickens and Pigs and even Human Beings!

5.  It seems Red Meat will trigger Inflammation Response and cause Carcinoma risk.

6. When an Animal is killed, it is under stress, and produces a lot of toxins called Cortisols Steriods, which can also trigger Inflmmatory Response and Auto Immune Disorders.  Think if you are under constant Stress and Flight and Fight Response, what happens to your Body and Auto Immune Response. There are 450 Auto Immune Issues, including Cancer and Tumor, and the main culprit is Environmental, Chemical, Emotional, etc. Stress.

In defense of Eating Vegetables, as some claim they have Life and Pain too.  Most plants drop of fruits, flowers, seeds, for consumption. We should eat parts of Plants and Trees that are dropped or plants that have died.

Fountain of Youth

Can You Guess Her Age? -- Raw Vegan Diet Is Woman's Fountain of Youth

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Meditation - Can Alter Physical Outcomes

Disclaimer: I not claiming that the sincere meditation can happen all the time and all outcomes can be altered all the times.

On the same topic, some of my personal reflections.  I hope some of you have watched my Videos on Bio Telekinesis, which is a related topic.  Princeton has also investigated this Phenomenon where Random Number Generators were "altered" through Mind!

What I am going to share is an esoteric topic - those who are practicalists and materialists, can skip.  Those who are searching for a greater understanding of Truth and other Spiritual Reasons, please carry on reading.

In 1996, 6 months after my son fell and lost 40% brain from 3 places - the outcome was 98% Transition, and 2% Comatose - and no signs of life outside bed - there was a study by Harvard Medical School which said Prayers can alter the outcome of the worst lot of patients who were expected to die, and for those doing better and with no prayers said, the patients did worse.  Somehow this wisdom came to me a night before the accident by watching a show by Dr. Deepak Chopra.  Rest of the lessons were borrowed from Hindu Mythology but it was a perilous path.

Recovering my son was a long ordeal which I do not want to go over - but I was willing to do everything, including giving my life over short or long run.  I borrowed ideas from Game Theory as well as things akin to Distance Healing and Pranic Healing, to both I was unaware of.  What I borrowed from Deepak Chopra was the Power of Touch, and I forced the Indian Medical Team to change the protocol of Treatment in the ICU. The outcome witness during my son waking up from coma was very dramatic to the doctors because it proved that my son was aware of my communications and gifts I had brought to him - during his coma period. More so on this for later.

Four times in life in real-time seconds, I have seen that I have faced death in real-time situation, and by just keeping cool and saying my prayers/request for mediation from my own Self or my Creator, the situation has changed drastically!  From no hope of living I came back alive!  Once, it looked as if the laws of Physics were defied!  But I could rationalize with some thing more subtle and scientific.  That day my friend Sunil Aluri went to Hindu Temple after 25 years! And this I have ignored till recently when I yet again experienced this amazing experience!

I did this experiment on my BMW which has a history of intermittent "Check Brake Lights" warning coming.  Some of it has to do with bad bulbs and some has to do with bad contacts and touchy sensor system.  Sometimes it is 100% there and sometimes it is 100% not there and with intermittent randomness.  So recently I changed all bulbs 2 weeks back and only once the sign came over week-end parking and it was gone when the car was taken out on Sunday. Even this rate was abnormal because for months and months the problem is not there!

So as I was driving, I thought about it, and wow, the problem came back! And then I said, what if I can make the problem go away, and wow, immediately the problem went away after I meditated over next 2/3 seconds!!  I could not believe it, but thought I should share this with you folks.

Like wise, 2 weeks back, I had gone to a Medical Facility for a medical checkup,  visiting 4 different places, and then I discovered my keys to the house and car were missing!  One place was where my medical was to be done. Much panicking and fretting was of no avail.  The nurse was very co-operative and she also searched around many times but could not find it.. The security guard was called and I also feared someone just dropping in the garbage box!  We had already checked a few times on both floors with the Lost and Found Section!

Then after alarming my wife of the helpless situation and sending email to office workers of me being delayed to work because of this awkward situation, I sat down and accepted the situation but went into meditation!  And within a few minutes, I got a call from the Nurse, that the keys were found, and they had made it themselves somehow to be under some paper work which got pushed around!